Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Weekend Reads

This week has been super busy so I hate that I am just now sharing. 
I read two amazing books this weekend.

First, "I Survived Hurricane Katrina, 2005" by Lauren Tarshis
This story is told from the point of view of a young boy who is swept away by the current.  Lauren Tarshis does an incredible job of creating vivid images and powerful emotions that must have flooded the victims of Katrina.

Secondly, was a book called "The Delusion".  This powerful book will forever be etched in my mind.  Laura Gallier seeks to address the darkness that seemingly has overcome our world by shedding truth and light.

Where Did August Go

It's hard to believe our first month of school is over.  Just in the library, we are already past orientation, internet safety, finishin...